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Accelerating Global Partner Payments in an Accelerated Global Economy

Your incentive, rebate and royalty programs are only as good as your weakest component. And if payments are a problem, your entire program has a problem. Making global payments to partners can be challenging, so clients need a smart, reliable service capable of handling complexities inherent to the payment ecosystem while being able to execute payments to their partners quickly and accurately.

For partners, the wait for incentive reimbursement can be agonizing. Qualifying for the incentive payment may be time intensive and costly. And for some partners, timely incentive payments are more than just motivating, they are critical to their financial well-being. Payments are the critical last mile and culmination of the partner’s efforts within the marketing program. Slow or delayed payments can kill a partnership in no time. The partner experience throughout the payment process needs to be straightforward, simple and compact even when meeting complicated financial and government regulations. And program owners need the capability to increase partner satisfaction and program engagement within the partner experience.

With the obstacles of multicurrency global partner payments, tight turnaround times, and tedious compliance methodology, any delays in paying partners will most certainly end up costing more in the long run.

This eBook presents how a global payment solution allows businesses to expedite payments in multiple currencies quickly, easily, and securely. Using this type of service not only reduces operational costs and time to payment, but also increases accuracy and heightens overall partner satisfaction and program engagement.

Key areas explored include:

  • Labor and Cost Savings
  • Efficient Payment Processes
  • Compliance Regulations
  • Effective Communication
  • Improved Visibility