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Joint marketing planning solution that helps partners create sales forecasts to achieve business goals

  • Aligns and ties sales and marketing activities/campaigns to key business objectives
  • Facilitates and simplifies the communication and collaboration between you and your PAM
  • Automatically creates the projects/PA needed for claim association
  • Creates a marketing forecast that tracks activities and spend vs. plan
  • Integrates with Salesforce

channelPlans is designed to facilitate joint marketing planning between you and your partners. Used in conjunction with other marketing enablement solutions in the channelConduit suite, channelPlans helps you improve the ROI of promotional allowance programs, such as Co-op & MDF programs.

Although fund marketing and advertising budgets are a top investment for many organizations, many still don’t have a clear understanding of partner performance, and how these funds may influence channel-wide sales and revenue. channelPlans helps address this issue by aligning promotional allowance investments with specific sales goals.

channelPlans can also help you track and identify the sales and marketing strategies of top-performing partners. As a result, you’ll be able to refer to these tactics to better coach and empower partners, leading to improved performance and sales across the entire channel.

Learn more about channelPlans