VISTAS 2023 - Drive the Momentum - October 18-20, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas - Learn More


Accelerate payments and provide payees visibility into the payment process

  • Rapidly and securely disperse payments globally
  • Improve partner experience with online Benefit Statement including payment details
  • Reduce time-to-payment and enable partners to be paid in currency of their choice
  • Lower support costs and fewer inquiries with greater payment transparency
  • Decrease payment fees by consolidating payments across multiple channel programs
  • Robust security and controls
  • Integrates with Salesforce

Your channel programs are only as good as their weakest component. Cash is still king and slow reimbursement remains the number one partner complaint. Lengthy payment cycles also impact partner inquiry volume. Time is being spent addressing inquiries regarding payments instead of focusing on more core business processes.

Efficient payment processes and increased visibility reduce costs

channelPay by Vistex allows you to make global payments in more than 135 currencies quickly, easily and securely. With channelPay’s robust financial capabilities, you can reduce your operational costs, and make payments accurately and on time, while increasing payee satisfaction and program engagement.

channelPay’s Benefit Summary allows payees to track their payments, see payment details, view payment histories and check fund/point balances. With channelPay, your team and partners know when and what they will be paid.

Learn more about channelPay